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Sitting Hours Every Day Could Deadly

 Whether you are an office worker who always spent time in the seat? If the answer is yes, you should be wary. Recent research shows that those who spend the time to sit for 11 hours or more, had a 40 percent greater risk of dying within a period of three years, regardless of whether you are physically active or not.

As published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine March 26 issue, researchers from Australia delivered a serious threat of lifestyle is less active or sedentary. They analyzed data on more than 222,000 people aged 45 years or older. The results of the study indicated that the risk of death of a person tends to jump when spending time with sitting for 11 hours every day. This risk is 15 percent higher than those who sat fewer than 4 hours per day.

"Evidence regarding the ill effects of sitting too long on health conditions have sprung up over the last few years," said study researcher, Hidde van der Ploeg, a senior researcher from the University of Sydney.

In the study, researchers also found that 62 percent of study participants claimed to have excessive weight or obesity. Meanwhile, almost 87 percent said they are in good health, and another quarter say spend at least 8 hours to sit down every day.

Van der Ploeg explained, those who sit too long will increase the risk of death up to double within three years than those who rarely sits or an active lifestyle. Meanwhile, among adults who are inactive and sitting too long, the risk is one-third more likely to die than those who rarely sat.

From the research also revealed, participants on average spent 90 percent of his free time to sit down, and less than 50 percent meet the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to perform physical activity for 150 minutes each week. Therefore, Van der Ploeg advised office workers to be more active lifestyle.

"Find a way to change the habit of sitting for too long. Try to stand or walk more if possible," he said.

Van der Ploeg recognize the limitations of these findings. He asserted that the findings do not prove a causal relationship and said further studies need to replicate these findings and focus more on the effect of sitting on developing conditions such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

"All these studies in the future will inform us about the exact relationship between sitting and health, which will ultimately result in public health recommendations as what we already have, such as for physical activity," he concluded.