Effects Facebook on society. Friendship site Facebook allows one to find old friends, discover new friends, make friends, join communities like the city, work, school, and region to connect and interact with others, send messages and comments.
In addition to the main facilities are mentioned, still very much the facilities offered by the site, either formally or non-formal, independent or dependent.
Indonesia is now far exceeds the number facebookers users in Singapore and Malaysia. Whereas up until mid-2007 barely glimpsed Internet users here. But, entering the middle of last year, the amount of access to the site skyrocketed, and placing it as the site ranked the fifth most often accessed in Indonesia. Indonesia was recorded even in the top ten countries which site users are opened to the public in 2006, ie 150 million people-about 700 thousand people came from Indonesia.
No other social networking sites that can rival the appeal up to the user. In 2007, there were added 200 thousand new accounts per day More than 25 million active users use Facebook every day. The average user spent about 19 minutes per day to perform various activities on Facebook.
Here is a chart pengkatan number of Facebook users from its founding in 2004 until 2007.
Facebook Effect
Some influence the use and misuse of Facebook among young anank are:
1. Lack of time to learn and do the job
2. Lack of time to socialize and interact directly with others and the environment
3. Make sure the time so that the irregular pattern of life
4. Society used to pull through with practical matters, so it is not motivated to do things that are difficult
Financial patterns that seemed a waste of money. Facebook can also be used to campaign for an idea such as Say No to Drug or other ideas. Build community through the Group or Pages with good purpose would be very beneficial. Growth Group or Pages on Facebook is quite fast. Something that will develop quickly if built together.
With pages, a company can also advertise their products. Regarding the more detailed rules can be asked to Facebook Team. Facebook was supposed to be utilized in a positive way.
The impact may be much good to know. Adverse effects are sometimes not aware of. I describe some of the adverse Facebook :
1. Reduced performance
Many company employees, faculty, students playing facebook at work. Definitely do not want to be recognized or reduce working time. Actually be reduced as a result if we can manage the time that is playing facebook when it breaks. I myself forbids facebook for me when I'm at the institute. Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 are time limits for me to open facebook.
2. Decreased attention to family
Recognized or not this would happen if we open facebook when you're with family. A study in England shows that parents increasingly less time with their children for various reasons. One of them because of Facebook. It could happen the husband was writing a wall, the wife was making koment in photos taken care of while her maid. I included the old-fashioned in this regard. I will limit myself and my family to just play facebook or sms's are not important moments with family.
3. Its irreplaceable social life
Facebook is very nice. Because most people feel pretty comfortable with interacting with facebook thereby reducing the frequency of the face meet. There is a thing that is missing from this interaction. Face to face very different and should not be replaced with a meet in cyberspace. Chat, eye gaze, facial expression, laughing over the jokes can not be replaced by a series of video even though words.
4. limitation of private sphere and the social become blurred
In Facebook we're free to write anything, often without realizing we write things that should not be submitted to the social sphere. Household problems without conscious person can be known other people only pay attention to the status of the person.
5. The spread of important data that should not
Facebook users often are not aware of some important data that should not be shown publicly. As already explained in the article about the safety of facebook, the default of the info we should have closed and not displayed. If there is a need to newly opened one by one as needed.
6. Pornography
As with other social networking sites of course there are utilizing these sites to pornographic activities.
7. Utilization for the negative activity
Even though it has been regulated in the use of Facebook, still there are those who use facebook to negative activities through groups or pages.
8. Misconception
Facebook is a social network that are open between the user and his friends. Like real life gossip or slanted information quickly can also develop in this network. Must be realized to write in status, in the wall and comments in various applications is the same as a chat in real-life effect is perhaps even more severe because the written language sometimes cause misinterpretation. There are already cases of firing an employee because who does not supposed to write on facebook, there is also the prosecution to court because of misunderstandings on Facebook.
9. Affect health (still debate)
An article in the British media says Facebook can improve stroke and other diseases. The reason given in my opinion still needs to be reviewed again. If my opinion is not because facebooknya but because of the habit of sitting for long in front of the computer.
10. Fraud
Like other online media, Facebook is also vulnerable exploited for fraudulent purposes. We will not know exactly who is behind facebook account. People easily create a new account for purposes that are not good. Some use the mode to meet and eventually become familiar in the virtual world that was ultimately used to commit fraud or other criminal acts.
Here are some positive and negative impacts of the use of Facebook by observations:
Positive Impact:
Strengthen relationship
Yes, perhaps this is the usefulness of facebook the most we can feel. Even with facebook, we can rediscover the people - people we've ever known in the past.
Knowing your own potential
In facebook there are many useful quiz to find out more about who we really are anyway. However, we must also remain wary, partly contained in a facebook quiz that contains elements of - elements of divination, and of course you understand that belief in prophecy is a shirk, a big sin that will not be forgiven by Allah Ta'ala: D.
Media promotion
Obviously, facebook can be used as a media campaign, whether it be promoting a product, service, agency, or anything else. In fact, when the last legislative elections, some candidates are also using Facebook for the media campaign.
Means discussion
On facebook you can join a variety of community / group.
A place to vent
Hmmm, this might be too, if we again dapet problem, we just update our facebook status with the problems we are facing, ntar if anyone cares, surely someone is going to give comments that it may merely encourage or even give alternatives to resolve the problem. But the best place to vent it, Almighty God, who can show a way out of every problem we face. Really?