Watching horror films can cause anxiety and is known to cause sleep disorders in children. But horror films can also affect adult psychological side, though not always bad.
Although you can tell the difference between fiction thing on film with a real life, but it is not easy to distinguish between the two bodies. When you watch a horror movie, the heart rate would race against the faster, blood pressure rises, and increases the production of adrenaline. Once the tension is complete, you will feel the excitement.
Situation tense and full of anxiety that you feel when watching a horror movie can lead to complacency and even sexual arousal. But there are certain negative effects caused by too many horror movies.
1. Easily startled
People who like watching a horror movie involving a bloody scene, will make it affected by the violence and horror films theoretically can change a person's behavior. The people who watch horror movies tend to feel that violence can sometimes be taken to resolve the conflict.
It can also affect a person's startle reflex changes. That one might easily shocked when confronted with a stressful situation because it has been used to the situations that cause anxiety.
However, it also has a good side where a few people to be effective in treating fears and phobias. Therapists often rely on a certain horror films to help patients have a phobia or excessive fear of a thing.
2. Triggering fears about excessive
People who have experienced trauma of a thing would be more stressful when watching a horror movie. Horror films can trigger panic attacks and recalling the incident that caused the trauma.
Atmosphere built horror films can also affect mood and psychological wellbeing. If you are easy to feel anxious when watching a horror movie, avoid watching it and choose another movie that does not trigger excessive fear.
3. Difficulty sleeping
Horror movie not only can cause sleep problems in children, but it can also disrupt sleep adults too. Insomnia and nightmares is a problem that can be experienced by adults who like watching a horror movie.
Insomnia at night may be harmless if only occasionally, but nightmares very often occurs repeatedly and causes of chronic insomnia. It can interfere with physical and mental health.
If you are having trouble sleeping after watching a horror movie, consider watching a horror movie only on certain occasions or at a specific time.