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Drugs to Avoid Baby

Immune system is still weak indeed make babies more vulnerable to germs that cause disease. Even so, parents should be careful in giving medicines to them, even relatively natural medicine or herbal though.

Consult a doctor before giving medicine to infants and toddlers. Here are 8 types of treatment should be avoided administration to infants.
1. Aspirin
Avoid giving aspirin or medications containing aspirin to children, except on your doctor's instructions. Aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome that can damage the kidneys and brain.

Do not assume the-counter medicines do not have the content of aspirin, because it should read labels carefully cerma. Aspirin is sometimes written with salicylic or acetylsalicylic acid. For a fever, you should give fever-reducing medicine containing paracetamol or ibuprofen for children over the age of 6 months.
2. Cough and cold medicines over the counter
Pediatricians who are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend giving cough and cold medicines to infants. The results showed these drugs often do not heal even dangerous because often given an overdose.
Other side effects to look out for are drowsiness, abdominal pain, rash, to increase heart rate. Each year, thousands of babies were admitted to hospital due to cough and cold medication at home.
3. Anti-nausea medications
Do not give anti-nausea medication to the baby unless your doctor specifically prescribes. Symptoms of nausea experienced by infants and toddlers are usually temporary and the body they are able to cope without drugs. On the other hand, anti-nausea medications may cause complications. If the baby had vomited provide enough fluids to prevent dehydration.
4. Adult drug
It is not recommended to give infants adult medicine in small doses. Besides medication for infants are generally more dense than the drugs for children, so you need to be careful in giving to the baby.
5. Medication prescribed for another child
Drugs prescribed for other children, including his brother, not necessarily effective, even dangerous for your baby. Give baby a drug is only prescribed for him.
6. Expired drugs
Immediately remove drugs from the medicine cabinet so getting time expired. Dispose of medications also have changed color. Once expired medication is ineffective and can be dangerous.
7. Extra acetaminophen
Several types of medications containing acetaminophen to reduce fever and pain, so be careful before giving medicine to infants separated from his fever medicine. If you are not sure, ask your doctor or pharmacist medicinal given.
8. Chewable drug
Chewable medication or tablets for kids can pose a choking risk to the baby. When your baby is getting solid foods and you want to give tablets, ask your doctor or pharmacist whether be crushed or mixed with soft food.