How to Fix Google Chrome Crash Problem - Goggling in full swing again, instead ehhh browser hangs cash alias alias strike. Very irritating especially when the options appear only [close programs] or [check online for solution] can not be completed. Googgle chrome frequent crashes, that's the problem. Finally I asked for accountability from Om Googgle and it is a given solution. NOTE: I use Windows Vista Home congenital Toshiba, so this case may only happen to the same specifications with me.
Mild solution
1. Try to restart the browser. Where possible, Google Chrome will return Web pages from the previous browsing session.
2. Do you have Internet Download Manager installed? If you install Internet Download Manager, disable the option "Advanced browser integration" by going to Options> General.
3. Check for software conflicts. The "Known Issues page" Google may need to be prepared you visit on the Common Problems page has a list of up-to-date software that can cause crashes. Check to see if you have conflicting software and follow the steps to resolve the issue.
There are many solutions offered by the internet but once I flip only one effective solution to solve this problem is to repair corrupt user profile.
AGAIN NOTE : Before you take these steps first save all your bookmarks address. Here are the steps.
1. Click [Start menu]> [Run] if you are using XP.
2. In a city run or search enter the following directories according to your operating system version (steps 3 and 4):
3. For Windows XP users enter [% USERPROFILE% Local SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeUser Data] without "[ ]".
4. For Windows Vista users enter [% LOCALAPPDATA% GoogleChromeUser Data] without "[ ]".
Click [OK].
5. In the following window, rename / change the folder name "Default" to "Backup."
6. Move the folder "Backup" that have been changed earlier from the folder "User Data" folder up one level to the "Chrome".
7. What remains in the folder "User Data" only a few files, while the folder to be moved.
NOTE AGAIN : If you fail in step 6 change the name of the folder, do the following;
1. Create a new folder called "Backup" in the directory "Chrome".
2. Copy all the folders and files in the folder "Default" above into the folder "Backup" that you just created.
3. After step 2 above is completed please discard the Default folder contained in the "User Data"
4. Completed
Continue with the steps below :
1. Click [Start menu]> [Run].
2. Into the RUN box or start the search box this command: sfc.exe / scannow (there is a single-spaced between Sfc.exe and / scannow).
3. Wait until the scan is complete the new fire up your browser.
Enjoy it again .....